Art+ SAAS Website Consult Now
marketing objectives
Deeply implement corporate marketing strategic goals, help corporate network brand extension, and jointly create Internet business value
    Find precise customer groups
    Refine keywords and find target consumers. There are a large number of people and customers on the Internet every day. In fact, if you really want to get target customers, you only need to lock in a few keywords. Once these keywords are done, you will get a steady stream of precise customers.
    multi-channel marketing
    Enterprises can provide one-stop three-dimensional network-wide marketing services, SEM bidding, SEO optimization, self-media marketing, information flow advertising, short video marketing, and brand encyclopedia through platform operation and maintenance, traffic drainage strategies, conversion promotion, data analysis, and brand precipitation. articles, soft article marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, public opinion monitoring, etc.
    Improve inquiry conversion rate
    Quality and price are the prerequisites that determine whether the final transaction can be completed. Therefore, before contacting buyers, you must find out whether your product meets the quality specifications of the target market? At the same time, try to understand the quality and price levels of other domestic peers.